Information for your discernment path

Discernment is the process of making a decision about your life with the help of the Holy Spirit, the process of finding and owning the will of God. It is a conscious experience of God's grace drawing you to a course of action - a human and divine interaction.

The following resources are some of those used by Claretian Vocation Director Mario Delgado while accompanying men during their discernment process. If you are currently discerning, the Claretians encourage you to not only use these resources on your own, but to also reach out for help and additional resources in your discernment process.

If you would like to talk to Mario about your discernment, please contact him at 800-328-6515 or via email at . The Claretians also encourage you to seek the help of a spiritual director along with your family, friends, and parish priest during your discernment journey.